The comic book movie event as well as the most anticipated movie of 2019 has finally landed in theaters bringing the concluding chapter to not just the Infinity War storyline but also closure to the first 11-years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Leaving audiences shell-shocked and blown away exactly one year prior with the Empire Strikes Back style ending of Infinity War where the fate of our heroes was up in the air, Endgame arrives to finish the story the Russo brothers commenced last summer and while doing so, spare no expense in expanding upon the storyline presented in Infinity War while giving the audience as well as the iconic characters in the film the grand finale they deserve to an epic story 11 years in the making. Looking back at the last 11 years of the MCU, one cannot fathom the achievement that Marvel has created on film, there's nothing but wonder at how far the Marvel Cinematic Universe has come and curiosity about where its future will head beyond this point. Regardless of what the future for the MCU looks like post Endgame, fans should pause for a moment and celebrate how amazing and fitting of a finish the Russo Brothers bring to the Avengers storyline, Avengers: Endgame is not just an exciting and thrilling blockbuster or superhero film, its a true triumph in how it manages to entertain its audience while delivering an emotional impact that stays with them long after the credits roll, providing an extremely satisfying finale to Marvels amazing Infinity Saga.

Picking up after
Infinity War's bleak ending that left half of all living things in the universe including many of the Avengers being extinguished by the unstoppable super villain Thanos (Played masterfully by Josh Brolin),
Endgame takes place five years after the events of that film with the remaining Avengers along with the help of allies joining forces once again to undo Thanos actions once and for all while restoring order to the universe.
Endgame never once shies away from the devastating climax that
Infinity War left with audiences but thrives on building upon that reality. The film packs one helluva emotional punch that hits home by the films end while taking its audience on a ride that's thrilling, action-packed, funny, and emotional making it ultimately hit all the right notes. The Russo Brothers know exactly what kind of story they want to tell and deliver their absolute best in doing so. Much like
The Dark Knight and
Logan, Endgame is a film that's clearly a superhero film but has elements and moments within it, that makes it transcend and nearly break genre at times. That's not a criticism aimed at the film but an acknowledgement of how effective the storytelling is handled and it leaving exactly the kind of impact it always intended to do.
Endgame is not just an ordinary superhero or comic book movie, its an experience that needs to be seen by all Marvel fans to witness one of the 21st century most crowned achievements on film.
Endgame doesn't just bypass the previous 11 years of the MCU, it embraces the past and pays it's respects as it's self-aware that without the MCU as a whole, it wouldn't exist. For fans of the Marvel series as a whole,
Endgame feels like the greatest and most sincere love letter both to the previous films and those who've supported the MCU since the beginning. As flashy as the films visuals come across which are absolutely stunning to witness on the big screen, the films greatest asset and what makes it such an impactful film in the
Avengers series and the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a whole is its heart.
As far as performances go, the entire cast of
Avengers: Endgame shines through once again proving to audiences that the casting of each character is not only spot on but in some instances irreplaceable. Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man is simply fantastic, there is no one else that could've done this role the same kind of justice and no one who will match his work here as he's managed to fully immerse himself into the role and deliver what's probably his strongest performance yet as Stark. The same is said about Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/Captain America, both men are perfect in their roles and bring their A game once again to the table. It helps that they have such strong source material to work off as they make the audience truly believe that they have the weight of the world on their shoulders after the events of
Infinity War. Both men deliver career best performances in the iconic roles they play with a strong supporting cast to back them up. Mark Ruffalo continues to convince and show fans that the third time is the charm for The Hulk as he does a fine job here, showing that he's completely eased into the role and is a joy to watch. Chris Hemsworth is great as Thor being both funny and emotional with equally satisfying performances from Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye. Paul Rudd's inclusion into the film as Ant Man is perfect, elevating the movie to moments of humor to balance the action and drama with Josh Brolin once again shining as Thanos, stealing every scene that he's in. Brie Larson's inclusion to the film is a nice addition given the recent success of her recent Marvel film
Captain Marvel. There is not one performance in the film that feels out of place nor poorly delivered, everyone has a clear sense of enthusiasm and excitement for the story and it shows with their roles. The work that the casting directors have done as a whole for the MCU is impeccable and turn
Endgame into more than just an epic story but also a star-studded event.
The film's writing and directing by screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely is top notch with the film incorporating themes into its story such as death, the disappearance of loved ones, destruction of a large population, guilt, hope being lost, leadership, destiny, and discovering one's purpose. What separates
Endgame from the other
Avengers films is how it takes the characters and story to a much deeper level than previously seen before. The heart of the film outside of the films major set-pieces is the downtime scenes between the characters, those moments are written so brilliantly its almost as if the writers knew those were the scenes the audiences were most looking forward to besides the action. As far as the films three hour running time, the script never drags and each character is given his or her moment in the film to shine and flesh out in between the moments of pure spectacle. As far as directing goes, the Russo Brothers have a slick and stylish visual flare that makes both
Avengers films they directed unique. While
Winter Soldier and
Captain America: Civil War were strong films they helmed, they also felt like test runs for the work they would establish with these films. Their work in both these movies is so exceptional, particularly
Endgame that its heartbreaking to face the realization that they won't be directing anymore films in the MCU as the work they established here will stand the test of time and become one of the new benchmarks for what a superhero film can be. In terms of the films pacing and visual effects, both are top notch. The editing is perfect as the movie never feels like it's entire 182 minute running time. The first half of the movie basically deals with the surviving Avengers of the previous film coping with the losses they suffered and the victory Thanos achieved while figuring out a way to undo the catastrophic turn of events from the previous film. The moments of anger, sadness, and despair are also accompanied with moments of hope that cater to both the characters in the story but the audience as a whole. What could've essentially become a generic storyline that provided impressive but mindless action involving the Avengers has turned into something deeper than just one epic battle after another, its become a journey that fans are going to be astounded by and cherish for years to come.
As far as concluding chapters go,
Endgame is a near perfect effort in not just wrapping up the Infinity story but also providing a temporary closure to a decade of buildup that resulted in 22 Marvel films beginning in 2008 with Jon Favreau's
Iron Man. These movies were made first and foremost for the fans and everyone else who came across them would be swept up for the ride that's lasted 11 years. What
Endgame does so well is taking the Avengers team from their lowest point and building them back up through friendship, loyalty, family, and hope. The end result is a rewarding piece of Marvel cinema that awards its fans in the greatest way, providing the ultimate fan service while creating the MCU's
Return Of The King or
The Return Of The Jedi to
Infinity War which was essentially Marvel's
Empire Strikes Back.
Endgame is not just an awesome movie, its an extremely satisfying and heartfelt experience for its fans as it feels like a special gift for everyone whose been apart of the MCU from the start. The Russo Brothers truly care about these characters and are well aware of the expectations audiences have placed upon this film as they meet and exceed every expectation while delivering homages that honors the work that came before them. Watching
Endgame, one can't help but wonder how exactly will Marvel find a way to top the work that's been established here as one can't see it happening.
Avengers: Endgame is the true cinematic event of 2019 that not only meets expectations but manages to rise above them to become something special that's rarely seen before. Here's hoping that Marvel pushes hard for
Endgame to receive Award consideration at next years Oscar ceremony since last years
Black Panther opened the door for future superhero movies to receive nominations in major categories. As far as blockbusters go,
Endgame is one of the best ever made and a superhero film that's a true gem. Marvel fans couldn't ask for a better ending to the Marvel saga and Infinity arc. There will be more Marvel movies down the line but they will never be as special as what is seen here.
Final Verdict: A MUST SEE.