Monday, January 5, 2015

First dramatic marathon of 2015: Corruption Involving Mob Figures And Wall Street

Tonight's marathon marks the first official dramatic marathon of 2015. Tonight we dive into issues pertaining to corruption dealing with the mob and the shady things goings on at Wall Street. What better filmmaker is there to turn towards for this theme than Oscar winning filmmaker Martin Scorsesse. Scorsese's career goes as far back as the early 70's with a phenomenal track record of hits ranging from Boxcar Bertha, Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, The King of Comedy, The Color Of Money, Last Temptation of Christ, Age of Innocence, Kundun, Bringing out the Dead, Gangs of New York, The Aviator, The Departed, Shutter Island, and Hugo. Tonight's attention is centered around three of his most prestigious works of art. We have on our menu for this evening:

                                Goodfellas 1990, The Wolf On Wall Street 2013, and Casino 1995

Beginning tonight's web of corruption within the mob and wall street is Scorsese's 1990s classic Goodfellas. Goodfellas packs a stellar cast among the likes of Robert Deniro, Ray Liotta, and Joe Pesci. He centers the storyline around mobster Henry Hill and his friends as they work their way up the food chain of the mob hierarchy. Unanimously considered Scorsese's finest work, Goodfellas opened to universal praise and critical acclaim upon it's 1990 release but ultimately lost the academy award for Best Picture to Kevin Costner's epic drama, Dances with the Wolves. Wolf On Wall Street  focuses on the true story of Jordan Belfort, covering his rise to a wealthy stock-broker living the high life to his downfall involving crime, corruption and the federal government. The third and final film Casino, reverts back to the theme of mob corruption except this time it involves corruption within the Casinos of Las Vegas. Themes of greed, deception, money, power, and murder run throughout this film as two mobster best friends since childhood and a trophy wife are surrounded by a gambling empire. If Goodfellas is the rise of the empire and Wolf on Wall Street is the empire flourishing, then Casino is the empire crumbling due to it's own corruption making it essentially the perfect trio.

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