Friday, August 1, 2014

Deliver Us From Evil

Finally got to see Deliver Us From Evil


Anybody else sick of these horror movies which they claim to be based on true events and but in actuality, 97 percent of the story is completely fictionalized and the dramatic events are made out to be much more intense than they actually are. If you are then this film pretty much cements the fact that the time has come to end these streak of films. They are getting more and more boring by the minute as well as being something even more frightening than the storyline itself. THEY AREN'T SCARY. Alot of the jump scares in this one are cheap and really don't leave an impact on you. Someone needs to tell Eric Bana that if you go from starring in high profile movies such as Ang Lee's Hulk to Munich to Star Trek 2009 and now ending up at a cheap below average horror movie then somethings gone terribly wrong. Either he needs to fire his agent or he really isn't that great of an actor and hollywood knows it. His accent was not entirely convincing in this film and often came off as ridiculous. The whole demon possessed storyline and exorcism solution has been overdone by hollywood and it's overkill makes the storyline in this film to be generic and of little interest. You've seen this type of story before, you know what happens and how it ends. The Zoo scene was a cheap way of trying to be intense and creepy but really just comes off as being a desperate attempt to keep the audience interested in a weak subject matter. There aren't any true or compelling characters in this movie that you can latch onto or care about. There is no real sense of danger or possession, and most importantly, this movie lacks a heart. The great horror films of our time relied on these conventions of storytelling to succeed, and the reason why so many of them fail in today's generation is because they don't take the time to develop their characters or plot correctly.

There will always be a group of people who will always want to see a good scare or get a jump scare in the movie theater and I totally respect that. However, I feel that those people really deserve much better than mess like this, and that the filmmakers need to create more original concepts of horror stories instead of suckering people into think the events depicted in these movies are all 100 percent true. They arent. This is another cheap attempt at cashing in on a questionable plot and I sincerely hope that as time goes on, the audience gets smarter and catches onto them. Thumbs down.

                                                                                                                                                 4 out of 10

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