Friday, August 15, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy Review

Finally got to see Guardians of the Galaxy


That was really good. Very impressive not just for a piece of scfi entertainment, but also as a August summer blockbuster release. This movie had it all: impressive visual effects, lots of clever humor, decent storyline, appealing cast among the likes of Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Djimon Hounsou, Zoe Saldana, Glenn Close, John C Reilly, and Michael Rooker. Now that's a diverse cast with alot of pure talent there to generate enough magic to make this movie work. It carried with it alot of charm and high levels of energy within the action. It feels like the beginning of a very promising trilogy like A New Hope feel, Serenity, or Star Trek 2009. One of the main reasons why those three movies worked was because they had characters that were entertaining to watch and you cared about them. Humor really helped to flesh out the characters in those movies and making them relatable to the audience. The film moves at a pretty fast pace and never truly feels like it's going at a slow pace except within a few moments in the middle. The script is strong presenting a storyline that has the potential to expand into a universe of movies, instead of being generic like some other recent scfi flicks. Cough Avatar Cough. The storyline goes like this: Twenty six years after being abducted, Peter Quill finds himself the prime target of a manhunt after discovering an orb wanted by Ronan the Accuser. That's a premise that screams out adventure and plenty of thrills. It also allows for a romance to blossom between him and Zoe Saldana's character. Saldana is quickly turning into the new queen of science fiction having starred in the new JJ Abrams Star Trek movies, and Avatar. Here she remains just as appealing and brings a fresh new face to the picture. Chris Pratt does a very strong performance as the lead and makes the audience buy into his character's dilemma while also having lots of fun with it. The best moments are the one's where the character listens to his music, this movie has a great soundtrack. What makes this movie appealing to audiences and one of the reasons it's doing so well is that it gets the audience invested in the characters and plot. You care about them much like the ones in Star Trek and the original Star Wars trilogy.

Overall, Guardians of the Galaxy is a richly entertaining summer blockbuster that works really well because of a clever storyline, impressive visual effects, appealing actors and characters, tons of humor, and a soundtrack that just adds a sense of class to the film. There's alot of high level energy with this one, and it's not to be missed on the big screen.


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